The "NORG" stands for "New Op-Rod Guide." This enhanced op-rod guide is compatible with non-Blackfeather RS-equipped rifle stocks (wood, fiberglass, plastic, carbon fibre). It was designed under our "U.S.G.I. PLUS" brand, an house brand devoted to building enhanced versions of U.S.G.I. M14/M1A rifle components. If it is designated, "U.S.G.I. PLUS" it is built to surpass U.S.G.I. design intent, as well as offer unique features over the original.
The NORG is made for new and existing rifle builds. The NORG offers a larger circumferential surface bearing area over your M14/M1A barrel boss than the standard ensuring solid retention of a critical M14 component: the oprod guide. In addition, the NORG includes a relief cut around the bottom hole to allow packing grease in this location. The NORG ships with a multi-coiled, stainless, heavy, chamfered spring pin for a superior strength alternative to the traditional M14 oprod guide pin.
Product Name: M14/M1A NORG
Material: 4140 Steel
Color: Black
Coating: Black Oxide
Weight: 1.6 oz.
Compatibility: Fits all "traditional" M1A, M14 and M305 barrels with a .080" barrel boss. Fitting and/or barrel knurling may be required. Does not fit Blackfeather RS or SAGE EBR equipped rifles.
Includes: Stainless, coiled spring pin.